F. A. Roberts & Associates Ltd. is registered in Canada with provincial professional engineering associations to undertake work in the following provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Yukon and the NorthWest Territories. Find below a brief description and corresponding website links to some of the professional associations we work under.
The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)
APEGA works on behalf of its Members to establish practice standards and develops codes of professional conduct and ethics that govern individual and corporate Members in their professional practice. APEGA ensures that high standards of practice in engineering and geoscience are maintained in Alberta.
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba (APEGM)
The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of Manitoba was established by an act of legislation to regulate the profession of engineering in Manitoba on March 27, 1920. In 1998 the association's mandate was expanded by the Manitoba Legislature to include the regulation of professional geoscientists in Manitoba.
Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS)
APEGS is the licensing body which fulfils this mandate by ensuring high standards of engineering/geoscience practice and education in Saskatchewan, by setting high standards for admission into the profession, by disciplining engineers/geoscientists who fail to uphold the profession's practice and ethical standards, and by preventing the misuse of the title "engineer" and "geoscientist" by individuals who are not licensed members of the professions.
Engineers Nova Scotia
Engineers Nova Scotia is the licensing and regulatory body for the more than 5000 Professional Engineers and Engineers-in-Training practicing in Nova Scotia or on Nova Scotia Projects.
Engineers Nova Scotia Mission;
• To serve and protect the public interest.
• To advance and promote the value and proficiency of the Engineering Profession.
• To support the members in their professional practice
Northwest Territories and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists (NAPEG)
NAPEG is responsible for the licensing of professional engineers and professional geoscientists in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, the regulation of the practices of professional engineering and professional geoscience, the establishment and maintenance of standards of knowledge, skill, care and professional ethics among its registrants, in order that the interests of the public may be served and protected.
Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is the licensing and regulating body for engineering in the province. Under the Professional Engineers Act, a provincial statute, PEO is responsible for the licensing and discipline of engineers and companies providing engineering services. PEO protects the public by ensuring all professional engineers have met the rigorous qualifications for licensing.
Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon (APEY)
The Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon is a self-governing body of Professional Engineers that regulates and governs the engineering profession in Yukon. This is achieved by setting and maintaining high academic, experience and professional practice standards for all members. Only individuals licensed by the Association of Professional Engineers of Yukon are permitted by law to undertake and assume responsibility for engineering projects in Yukon.
Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. (APEGBC)
The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. regulates and governs the professions under the authority of the Engineers and Geoscientists Act by setting and maintaining high academic, experience and professional practice standards for all members. Individuals licensed by APEGBC are the only persons permitted by law to undertake, and assume responsibility for, engineering and geoscience projects in the province of B.C.